Institute of Plant Genetics
Polish Academy of Sciences

Doctoral and habilitation diplomas

"In accordance with Art. 179 item 1. of the Law on Higher Education and Science:

A person who has been awarded a doctoral or habilitation degree receives a doctoral or habilitation diploma and a copy of this diploma, respectively.

At the request of the person concerned, copies of the diploma in English shall be issued. An application for a copy of the diploma in English should be submitted to the scientific secretary.


Doctoral diploma (in English) - download the application
Habilitation diploma (in English) - download the application

account number: BGK (Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego) 75 1130 1088 0001 3144 6920 0001 with a note: payment for the diploma in ..... (name and surname).


REGULATION OF THE MINISTER OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION of September 21, 2018 regarding doctoral diplomas, habilitation diplomas and doctoral student ID cards " (only Polish version)

Copyright Institute of Plant Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences