Institute of Plant Genetics
Polish Academy of Sciences

Plant Biology and Nanotechnology

Plant Biology and Nanotechnology Team


dr hab. Franklin Gregory, prof. IPG PAS


dr Selvakesavan Rajendran Kamalabai

Ms. Wiktoria Frątczak (volunteer)

Ms. Alicja Szychulska (volunteer)




Research profile

The goal of our research is to understand the effects of nanomaterials on plants, the mechanisms of green synthesis of nanomaterials, and the mechanisms of plant resistance to T-DNA transfer.

We use Hypericum species and other model plants in our studies. We use analytical techniques such as UPLC and LC-MS, spectroscopy, advanced microscopy and various molecular biology methods, namely transposon mutagenesis, gene cloning, quantitative and semiquantitative RT PCR and A. tumefaciens-mediated plant transformation.

We have revealed the mechanisms of synthesis of silver nanoparticles by the extract of Hypericum perforatum L., which opens the possibility of controlling the physicochemical properties of green nanoparticles. We found that phenolic acids and flavonoids are involved in the reduction of Ag+ ions, while xanthones and phloroglucinols act as capping agents and naphthodianthrones are involved in both steps.  


Key words

Plant- nanomaterial interaction, Green synthesis, Secondary metabolism, Hypericum perforatum


Selected recent publications (See all in SCOPUS)

Pradeep M., Kruszka D., Kachlicki P., Mondal D., Franklin G. (2022) Uncovering the Phytochemical Basis and Mechanism of Plant Extract Mediated Eco-friendly Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using UPLC-PDA-HRMS. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.  10: 562–571. DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c06960

Kruszka D., Selvakesavan R.K., Kachlicki P., Franklin G. (2022) Untargeted metabolomics analysis reveals the elicitation of important secondary metabolites upon treatment with various metal and metal oxide nanoparticles in Hypericum perforatum L. cell suspension cultures. Industrial Crops and Products. 178: 114561. DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2022.114561

Pradeep M., Franklin G. (2022) Understanding the hypericin biosynthesis via reversible inhibition of dark gland development in Hypericum perforatum L. Industrial Crops and Products 182: 114876. DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2022.114876.

Selvakesavan R.K., Franklin G. (2021) Robust in vitro culture tools suitable for sustainable bioprospecting of the genus Hypericum. Industrial Crops and Products, 170: 113715. DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2021.113715


Projects (finished recently or current)


National Science Center

Type Project number (link to NCN) Project title in Polish Project title in English Project leader / partners Financing (PLN) Start date End date
Opus 23 2022/45/B/NZ9/02135 NANO-HORMESIS: Reakcja roślin dziurawca na hormetyczną dawkę nanocząstek: W jaki sposób rośliny postrzegają nanocząstki metali i dostosowują odpowiedź ilościową do ich stężenia? NANO-HORMESIS: Nanoparticle-mediated Hormetic Dose Response in Hypericum
species: How do plants perceive engineered metal nanoparticles and translate
their concentration into a quantitative response?
Franklin Gregory 3 643 513 01-02-2023 31-01-2026
OPUS 13 2017/25/B/NZ9/00720 HyperAgro: Interakcja Hypericum- Agrobacterium jako model pozwalający zrozumieć zjawisko obrony związanej z patogenezą u roślin opornych na transformację HyperAgro: Hypericum- Agrobacterium interaction as a paradigm to understand
pathogenesis-related defence in plant recalcitrance against transformation
Franklin Gregory 1 659 960 07-02-2018 06-12-2022
OPUS 12 2016/23/B/NZ9/02677 Hyperisyn: Zastosowanie innowacyjnych narzędzi badawczych do poznania sieci molekularno-genetycznych uwarunkowań szlaku biosyntezy hiperycyny Hyperisyn: Unravelling the molecular/ genetic network of hyperycin biosynthesis by
employing innovative tools
Franklin Gregory 1 174 700 03-07-2017 02-07-2022
OPUS 11 2016/21/B/ NZ9/01980 HyperNano: Badanie zmian metabolizmu wtórnego u Hypericum perforatum pod wpływem nanocząsteczek poprzez zastosowanie zintegrowanego podejścia i technologii "omics" HyperNano: Understanding plant secondary metabolic changes in response to nanoparticles via an integrated omics approach in Hypericum perforatum Franklin Gregory 939 640 12-01-2017 11-12-2021

Other projects

Horizon 2020; Coordination and Support Action (EU H2020-ERAChairs);

The Creation of the Department of Plant Nanotechnology to Maximise the Impact of the ERA Chair Culture on the IPG PAS (Acronym: NANOPLANT); 856961; 2019-09-01; 2024-08-31

Project website


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