Institute of Plant Genetics
Polish Academy of Sciences


Strategic documents:
EURAXESS - HRS4R Renewal Phase External Assessment EC Consensus Outcome
OTM-R policy 2017

Regulations for conducting competitions for scientific positions (including criteria) 2018
Human Resources Strategy for Researchers

Action plan for gender equality at the Institute of Plant Genetics of the Polish Academy of Science

Internal anti-mobbing policy at the Institute of Plant Genetics PAAS

 Action plans:

2013 - 2016

2016 - 2018

2019 - 2021

2022 - 2024


2016-2019 Director's orders  introduced in response to the HR logo evaluation

  • 2016 orders

4/2016 on the awarding of prizes for scientific publications

6/2016 on the method and mode of employing adjuncts

7/2016 on the Code of Ethics for PhD students of the IPG PAS

8/2016 on the rights and obligations of PhD students pursuing doctoral dissertations at the IPG PAS

12/2016 on the scientific career development opportunities for researchers and PhD students

13/2016 on the rules of the competition for the best research article

  • 2017 orders

1/2017 on safety trainings at the IPG PAS

4/2017 home office

5/2017 on the rules of granting awards for scientific publications published in 2017

6/2017 on the Terms of use for research infrastructure of the Institute of Plant Genetics PAS in Poznań

11/2017 on the Strategy for making data backups in the Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań

  • 2018 Orders

1/2018 regarding the appointment of the Young Scientists Council

3/2018 on the appointment HR Excellence in Research award Steering Committee and 2018 Working Group at the Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań

4/2018 on the appointment of a Commission to conduct procedure for scientific positions at the Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań

16/2018 on the establishment of International Doctoral School of the Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań

17/2018 on the appointment of the Head of the International Doctoral School of the Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań

  • 2019 Orders

 8/2019 on the introduction of the Code of Practice for the Management of Researchers at the Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Science

  • 2021 Orders

 22/2021 on the appointment HR Excellence in Research award Steering Committee and Working Group at the Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznań

Copyright Institute of Plant Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences