Gene Structure and Function Team Leader dr hab. Michał Książkiewicz Members dr Wojciech Bielski dr Maciej Majka dr Piotr Zgłobicki mgr inż. Jolanta Belter Sonia Nowak mgr inż. Anna Surma (PhD student) mgr Ishani Dogra (PhD student) mgr Allen Eldho Paul (PhD student) |
From left to right: Allen Eldho Paul, Michał Książkiewicz, Jolanta Belter, Sonia Nowak, Ishani Dogra, Anna Surma, Wojciech Bielski |
Research profile |
Aims of our research are:
We use the following research methods:
Our main achievements are:
Key words |
Gene expression, genetic mapping, sequencing, flowering, maturity, vernalization, photoperiod, anthracnose, Colletotrichum, FLOWERING LOCUS T, lupin, soybean, domestication, yield |
Selected recent publications (SCOPUS) |
Książkiewicz M., Rychel-Bielska S., Plewinski P., Bielski W., Nuc M., Kozak B., Krajewski P., Jędryczka M. (2022) A successful defense of the narrow-leafed lupin against anthracnose involves quick and orchestrated reprogramming of oxidation-reduction, photosynthesis and pathogenesis-related genes. Scientific Reports 12: 8164. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-12257-7. Plewiński P., Rychel-Bielska S., Kozak B., Maureira-Butler I.J., Iqbal M.M., Nelson M.N., Książkiewicz M. (2022) FLOWERING LOCUS T indel variants confer vernalization-independent and photoperiod-insensitive flowering of yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus L.). Horticulture Research 9: uhac180. DOI: 10.1093/hr/uhac180. Książkiewicz M., Rychel-Bielska S., Plewiński P., Nuc M., Irzykowski W., Jędryczka M., Krajewski P. (2021) The resistance of narrow-leafed lupin to Diaporthe toxica is based on the rapid activation of defense response genes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22: 574. DOI: 10.3390/ijms22020574. Rychel-Bielska S., Plewiński P., Kozak B., Galek R., Książkiewicz M. (2020) Photoperiod and vernalization control of flowering-related genes: a case study of the narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.). Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 572135. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2020.572135. Książkiewicz M., Wójcik K., Irzykowski W., Bielski W., Rychel S., Kaczmarek J., Plewiński P., Rudy E., Jędryczka M. (2020) Validation of Diaporthe toxica resistance markers in European Lupinus angustifolius germplasm and identification of novel resistance donors for marker-assisted selection. Journal of Applied Genetics 61: 1-12. DOI: 10.1007/s13353-019-00521-y. Plewiński P., Ćwiek-Kupczyńska H., Rudy E., Bielski W., Rychel-Bielska S., Stawiński S., Barzyk P., Krajewski P., Naganowska B., Wolko B., Książkiewicz M. (2020) Innovative transcriptome-based genotyping highlights environmentally responsive genes for phenology, growth and yield in a non-model grain legume. Plant, Cell & Environment 43: 2680-2698. DOI: 10.1111/pce.13880. Rychel-Bielska S., Nazzicari N., Plewiński P., Bielski W., Annicchiarico P., Książkiewicz M. (2020) Development of PCR-based markers and whole-genome selection model for anthracnose resistance in white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). Journal of Applied Genetics 61: 531-545. DOI: 10.1007/s13353-020-00585-1. Plewiński P., Książkiewicz M., Rychel-Bielska S., Rudy E., Wolko B. (2019) Candidate domestication-related genes revealed by expression quantitative trait loci mapping of narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.). International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20: 5670. DOI: 10.3390/ijms20225670. Rychel S., Książkiewicz M., Tomaszewska M., Bielski W., Wolko B. (2019) FLOWERING LOCUS T, GIGANTEA, SEPALLATA, and FRIGIDA homologs are candidate genes involved in white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) early flowering. Molecular Breeding 39(3): 43. DOI: org/10.1007/s11032-019-0952-0. Rychel S., Książkiewicz M. (2019) Development of gene-based molecular markers tagging low alkaloid pauper locus in white lupin (Lupinus albus L.). Journal of Applied Genetics 60: 269-281. DOI: 10.1007/s13353-019-00508-9. Książkiewicz M., Nazzicari N., Yang H., Nelson M.N., Renshaw D., Rychel S., Ferrari B., Carelli M., Tomaszewska M., Stawiński S., Naganowska B., Wolko B., Annicchiarico P. (2017) A high-density consensus linkage map of white lupin highlights synteny with narrow-leafed lupin and provides markers tagging key agronomic traits. Scientific Reports 7: 15335. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-15625-w. Narożna D., Książkiewicz M., Przysiecka Ł., Króliczak J., Wolko B., Naganowska B., Mądrzak C.J. (2017) Legume isoflavone synthase genes have evolved by whole-genome and local duplications yielding transcriptionally active paralogs. Plant Science 264: 149-167. DOI: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2017.09.007. Nelson M.N., Książkiewicz M., Rychel S., Besharat N., Taylor C.M., Wyrwa K., Jost R., Erskine W., Cowling W.A., Berger J.D., Batley J., Weller J.L., Naganowska B., Wolko B. (2017) The loss of vernalisation requirement in narrow-leafed lupin is associated with a deletion in the promoter and de-repressed expression of an FT homologue. New Phytologist 213: 220-232. DOI: 10.1111/nph.14094. Książkiewicz M., Rychel S., Nelson M.N., Wyrwa K., Naganowska B., Wolko B. (2016) Expansion of the phosphatidylethanolamine binding protein family in legumes: a case study of Lupinus angustifolius L. FLOWERING LOCUS T homologs, LanFTc1 and LanFTc2. BMC Genomics 17: 820. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-016-3150-z. |
Projects (finished recently or current) |
National Science Center
Other projects
EU Horizon Europe BELIS “Breeding European Legumes for Increased Sustainability”
project leader Julier B. (Institut National de Recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement, France), project coordinator at IPG-PAS Książkiewicz M., years 2023-2028
Main aims of the project are to increase the competitiveness of the EU and Associated Countries legume breeding industry by improving the methodologies and the governance structures of the breeding sector and to design conditions that allow an efficient delivery of the achieved genetic progress to the breeders and seed industry, and to the other actors (registration offices, extension services, feed and food industry, farmers).
MRiRW 2021-2027 Zadanie 18 „Doskonalenie mapy genetycznej łubinu wąskolistnego i poszukiwanie markerów sprzężonych z cechami użytkowymi ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zawartości białka i alkaloidów
[Improvement of the narrow-leafed lupin linkage map and identification of markers associated with agronomic traits with special focus on protein and alkaloid content]”,
project leader Książkiewicz M., years 2021-2027,
main aims of the project were development of integrated linkage map of narrow-leafed lupin and generation of novel markers for selection of key agronomic traits.
Link to the project information
MRiRW 2014-2020 Zadanie 39 “Cecha wczesności kwitnienia u łubinu białego i łubinu żółtego – podstawy genetyczne i molekularne
[Early flowering trait in white lupin and yellow lupin - genetic and molecular backgrounds]”,
project leader Książkiewicz M., years 2014-2020,
Main aims of the project were to develop of linkage maps for white and yellow lupins, quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping of flowering time and vernalization responsiveness in both species, development of markers anchored in QTLs, validation of these markers in germplasm collection and identification of candidate mutations for early flowering, including insertion-deletion polymorphism in promoter regions of FLOWERING LOCUS T genes.
Link to the project information
NCBR PBS3/A8/28/2015 SEGENMAS „Sekwencjonowanie nowej generacji i mapowanie asocjacyjne jako metody generowania markerów molekularnych cech użytkowych łubinu wąskolistnego”
[Next generation sequencing and association mapping as methods for generation of molecular markers tagging agronomic traits in narrow-leafed lupin],
project leader Wolko B., years 2015-2018,
Main aim of the project was development of molecular markers applicable for selection of narrow-leafed lupin germplasm towards selected agronomic traits.
Copyright Institute of Plant Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences