Institute of Plant Genetics
Polish Academy of Sciences


  • 20:45 20-12-2023

Announcement of the decision concerning director of the Institute of Plant Genetics PAS for the term 2024-2027

Pursuant to § 12 of the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of November 22, 2010 regarding the competition for the position of director of a scientific institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Journal of Laws No. 233, item 1530, as amended), we would like to inform you that the competition committee for conducting competition for the position of director of the Institute of Plant Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, as a result of the competition procedu...

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  • 12:26 07-12-2023

Researchers from the IPG PAS elected to scientific committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences

On November 24, 2023, the elections to the Scientific Committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences beginning their term in 2024 ended.
The members of the Committee of Agronomic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences are: dr hab. Lidia Błaszczyk, prof. IPG PAS; prof. dr hab. Arkadiusz Kosmala; prof. dr hab. Paweł Krajewski; prof. dr hab. Łukasz Stępień.
Prof. dr hab. Tomasz Pniewski became a member of the Biotechnology Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Congratulations and we wis...

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  • 12:17 07-12-2023

Results of the NSC OPUS 25 call

We are very pleased to inform you that the researcher from the IPG PAS is among the winners of the OPUS 25 National Science Center call. Dr hab. Grzegorz Koczyk will carry out the project entitled "RICHFUN - enrichment and decoding of fungal biosynthetic clusters in lowabundant, plant-associated mycobiomes".
Congratulations and good luck with your project!

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  • 11:52 07-12-2023

Meeting on the use of new genomic techniques in plant research and breeding

On November 27, 2023, there was a (remote) meeting of researchers from the IGR PAN and IHAR-PIB units with employees of seed and breeding companies devoted to the use of new genomic techniques in plant research and breeding. In the first part of the meeting, papers were presented describing exemplary research projects using genomic techniques. In the second part, an interesting discussion was held, which was summarized with a conclusion about the need to cooperate and look for sources of fina...

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  • 13:15 19-11-2023

Honorary Membership of International Legume Scociety for Professor Bogdan Wolko

The International Legume Society, in recognition of his services to the lupine research community, posthumously awarded the title of Honorary Member to prof. dr. hab. Bogdan Wolko, director of the IPG PAs in 2012-2019. This decision was made at the 4th International Legume Conference in Granada on September 19-22, 2023. The commemorative plaque, sent by prof. Diego Rubiales from the Institute for Sustainable Agriculture in Cordoba, was handed over to the son of Professor Bogdan Wolko, dr. hab...

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