Announcement of question for NGS transcriptome sequencing services using Illumina and PacBio technology
Attachment No. 3 - Declaration of compliance
Attachment No. 4 - List of services
Attachment No. 5 - List of persons
Attachment No. 6 - List of publications
Attachment No. 7 - The draft contract
Information on the opening of offers
Announcement of question for NGS transcriptome sequencing services using Illumina and PacBio technology
Attachment No. 3 - Declaration of compliance
Attachment No. 4 - List of services
Attachment No. 5 - List of persons
Attachment No. 6 - List of publications
Attachment No. 7 - The draft contract
Announcement of question for Free-Gel Quantitative Proteomic Analysis
Announcement of question for Whole genome Bisulfite Sequencing (WGBS)
Zapytanie ofertowe na usługi sekwencjonowania transkryptomów metodą NGS z zastosowaniem technologii Illuminy
Copyright Institute of Plant Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences