Institute of Plant Genetics
Polish Academy of Sciences

Recommended courses SEMESTER II

SEMESTER II 2018/2019
Cutting edge methodologies in human molecular genetics
(This lecture is optional)


Lecture will be held Wednesdays in seminar hall of the Institute of Human Genetics Polish Academy of Sciences, Strzeszyńska St 32, Poznań


Data Temat

27 February

9:00 -11:00
PAR-CLIP and similar approaches in global identifications of RNA-protein interaction in the cell (dr Marcin Sajek)

6 March

Mass Spectrometry in proteomic research (dr hab. Magdalena Łuczak)

13 March

9:00 -11:00

IPs generation and modelling (dr hab. Natalia Rozwadowska)

20 March

9:00 -11:00
Flow cytometry and cell sorting (FACS) (dr Tomasz Kolanowski)

27 March

9:00 -11:00
RNA and chromatin immunoprecipitation (dr Monika Sura)

3 April

Lipid droplet single cell RNA-seq analysis (prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Przybylski)

17 April

9:00 -11:00
CRISPER-Cas9 (dr Agnieszka Dzikiewicz-Krawczyk)

24 April


Cutting edge imaging methods (dr Zuzanna Bukowy-Bieryłło)

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